Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga

Adiga goes on about the other side of the so-much-talked-of rise of India to a new economic power. The fancy promises of outsourcing and IT businesses and a bangalore from a distance.
The sweat and the stinky taste of Old Delhi, New Delhi, and the part - what a huge part - of India that has not seen much change. Cooped and all. Family ties, servitude, not far from hat on his hands, hands hanging low, face to the dust of this old road while listening to the coronel or the local politician. Northeast there. Northeast here.

I mean, how different - I mean - is Brazil from the picture he draws?
Not much.
We, after all, have some very Great Socialists...
And quite often one can hear someone saying about his or hers maid:"She's been with us for so long she is practically family!"