"De la ventana llegó el sonido de una sirena, tal vez un barco que entraba en el puerto, e inmediatamente sentí un inmenso deseo de ser uno de los pasajeros de aquel barco, de entrar en el puerto de una ciudade desconocida que se llamaba Lisboa y de tener que llamar ppor teléfono a una mujer desconocida para decirle que había salido una nueva traducción de Fernando Pessoa, y aquella mujer se llamaba Maria do Carmo, iría a la librería Bertrand llevando un vestido amarillo, le gustaban los fados y los platos sefarditas, y yo todo esto ya lo sabía, pero aquel pasajero que era yo y que contemplaba Lisboa desde la barandilla del barco todavía no lo sabía y para él todo iba a ser nuevo e idéntico. Y esto era Saudade (...)"
"From the window came the sound of a siren. Perhaps a ship had entered the harbor. Immediately I felt an immense desire to be one of the passengers on that shop, to enter the harbor of an unknown city called Lisbon, and to have to telephone an unknown woman to tell her that a new translation of Fernando Pessoa had come out, and that woman was called Maria do Carmo. She would come to Bertrand's Bookstore wearing a yellow dress, she loved the fado and Sephardic food, and I already knew all this. But that passenger, who was I and who was gazing at Lisbon from the deck of the shop, did not know it yet, and evertything would be identical and new for him. And this was saudade (...)"
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